An Update?? An Update!!

Hello friends!! I won't go into details, but I've been having a really rough past few weeks and I'm just getting my bearings again. So it means a lot that we're now at 500 downloads and counting for the demo! From the bottom of my corny heart, THANK YOU!

Some news if you're not plugged into the Tumblr or Twitter pages:

  • The plan is to have one last update for the demo before the full game launches next year. 
  • I also want to put out a trailer which I've dubbed the "chaotic trailer" for...reasons...and I'm just waiting for the last of the art sprites before I finish and post that for you guys too. 

So. Two major things before we end 2021, and I'm excited for y'all to have both of them (and leave me free to freak out about finishing the game in pseudo -peace LOL)

One last thing, please check out my survey if you played the demo! It's so short, you'll blink and be done!

Get High School Daze: Junior Year


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CONGRATS on 500 downloads, you absolutely deserve it!!! :) I'm sorry to hear you've had a rough few weeks, and I hope life eases up on you sooner rather than later.

I'm filling out the survey post-haste. VERY excited to play more before the end of the year. <3

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